The Team


John Rodriguez currently serves the R.A. Edwards & Associates/Rodriguez Group organization as a consultant, advisor and client relations specialist. He has over twenty three years of comprehensive industrial security and business management experience.

Background & Experience:

After receiving his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from the University of North Texas in 1982, he began his career as a security officer with the General Motors Corporation. He subsequently became a Security Manager with this corporation in 1984, responsible for the safety and security of a major part distribution center. From 1990 to 1995, Mr. Rodriguez held the position of Corporate Security Manager with Levi Strauss & Co., responsible for over 30 facilities in the Western US and Mexico. This position required supporting all departments of the corporation including Legal, Human Resources, Operations, Transportation, International Management, Risk Management, and Employee Assistance Programs. Responsibilities in Mexico included liaison and coordination with foreign government agencies as well as US government officials. In 1995, he established John Rodriguez & Associates, and in 2004 the Rodriguez Group. In November 2004 John joined the Global Security staff of Kimberly-Clark Corporation and is presently its Senior Regional Security Manager.

The Rodriguez Group and its predecessors have provided security support in Latin America for over 150 major multi-national corporations in Latin America. The principal partners have managed over 1200 security projects and corporate investigations in Mexico and Latin America since 1990.

Mr. Rodriguez has lectured for various professional associations including the International Security Management Association (ISMA), whose membership consists of senior security directors for major multi-national enterprises. He has also lectured for the Overseas Advisory Council (OSAC), as well as the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), including seminars on Industrial Security Issues in Mexico and Latin America. He has served as instructor on the faculty for the Professional Investigations Workshop for ASIS. He has also held various officer positions within the ASIS, including membership on the ASIS Standing Committee on Investigations and Council on Economic Crime. Mr. Rodriguez has authored articles on industrial security issues in Latin America. He currently serves as the Chairman for the International Committee of the National Cargo Security Council.
He holds a B.A. Degree in Criminal Justice from the University of North Texas with graduate studies at Texas Christian University. He has held the designation of Certified Protection Professional by the ASIS for 15 years (1989), and the designation of Certified Fraud Examiner by the Association of Fraud Examiners for 11 years (1993).

Professional Affiliations:

• American Society for Industrial Security
• Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
• Technology Asset Protection Association (TAPA)
• National Cargo Security Council (NCSC)
• Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC)
• Licensed Private Investigator and Security Consultant, State of Texas